
Want an honest opinion about Pinterest recipes you have come to the right place. I will give you my honest opinion about recipes from Pinterest about Low Carb/High Fat recipes plus regular ones too

23 June 2015

Italian Burgers

My beautiful baby girl graduated 6th grade today. My has the time flown by. I am so proud of her. She tries so hard in school and does such a wonderful job.

Last night for Dinner I made Italian Burgers by Joyful Healthy Eats. I did change the recipe a bit to fit what I had and they came incredible yummy.

I added the sun dried tomatoes in the ground beef cause I only had some diced some. I also added Italian seasonings into the beef. I didn't have any prosciutto
so I used thick cut bacon. For the Aioli I used  arugula cause my basil plant is getting a little thin cause i have been using it so much. LOL 
These are really taste hamburgers. We loved them.  4 Stars
Low carbs if you don't have the buns. I used Boston lettuce leaves as my buns. 

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