
Want an honest opinion about Pinterest recipes you have come to the right place. I will give you my honest opinion about recipes from Pinterest about Low Carb/High Fat recipes plus regular ones too

15 August 2015

Epic Failures This week

I have had to epic recipe failures this week. The first one I think is more my fault than the recipes.

Easiest & Best Chocolate Brownies.

Will admit my daughter loved them but me and husband however didn't. For me it's mostly cause I am not a fan of Cocoa powder, to me it's very strong. I over baked them a bit cause I forgot about them.  I might try them again adding less cocoa powder and baking them for the right amount of time. LOL 
Recipe is from Satisfying Eats  Giving it a 3 since some of it was my fault. 

I tried the Miracle Rice for the first time. Which I am sorry I wasted it on this recipe. I love, absolutely love rice pudding. The recipe comes fro, Shirataki Noodles Info Blog 
Now I don't know about any one else but this was absolutely GROSS. 
I followed the recipe and the only way I can explain it was it was so gloppy, have  you ever made anything using cornstarch to thicken and added way to much? That is the consistency of that, very thick and goopy.  I added more cinnamon, and nutmeg and that still didn't make it taste better. I threw the whole pan out. Not sure I will try this again, I think I will look for another recipe. This really needs a minus rating. 1 Star Recipe. 

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